Number of articles: 4604

May 23rd ordination ceremony

Scenes from the Prelate's ordination of thirty priests in Rome on May 23rd. Vídeo produced by the Beta Films Foundation (2'58'').

Opus Dei

Saint Paul and Work

This month’s new video for the Year of St. Paul speaks about the essential role of work in the Apostle’s teachings (02’02”)

Christian Life

Letter from the Prelate (June 2009)

The liturgical feast days in June form the thread of the Prelate's monthly letter, in which he urges us to draw closer to God in our ordinary life.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Texts for the "Year of the Priesthood"

We offer some of the texts suggested in the Prelate's message for the "Year of the Priesthood."

From the Prelate

Saint Josemaria's Prayer to the Holy Spirit

In April 1934, Saint Josemaria composed a prayer to the Holy Spirit that he prayed frequently and encouraged others to pray.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Paul and the First Christians

Prof. John Wauck speaks about the Apostle's concern for the first Christian communities. A new video for the Pauline Year (03’16’’).

Christian Life

8 video testimonies from the new priests

The testimonies are given in various languages. Below we also give a complete list of the names of the newly ordained priests.

Recent News

30 New Priests

On May 23rd in Rome, Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained thirty new priests for the Prelature. Here is the homily he gave at the Mass along with some photos and a short video of the ceremony.

Recent News

Marilyn and Jean-René Philibert: cooperators of Opus Dei

Marilyn and Jean-René Philibert are both cooperators of Opus Dei. Opus Dei has helped them to strenghten their faith, they say, by showing them how to integrate it into their daily lives.

Cooperators of Opus Dei

In Jerusalem: Mass with Latin Patriarch

Opus Dei has been present in the Holy Land since 1993. Recently members and friends celebrated the 80th year of Opus Dei's founding with the Latin Patriarch. This video shows how the spirit of Opus Dei helps Christians and non-Christians to be sowers of peace in the homeland of our Lord (8'49'').

Opus Dei