Ray of Hope
This month TEWA Vocational Training Centre in Kilifi County celebrates its 12th birthday. Their most recent video gives a peek into the impact Tewa has made and continues to make in the community around them.
Kianda at 60!
Last month the Kianda Foundation celebrated its 60th anniversary through a virtual event at which the keynote speaker was the chairperson of the Foundation, Olga Marlin.
The value of a small contribution
Kimlea Clinic, located in Tigoni Limuru sees patients from the tea estates in its environs, majority of whom live below the poverty margin.
Tekeleza Leadership Program: Creating Teen Leaders
Tekeleza is a Kiswahili word that means ‘to achieve’. The program, under Kianda Foundation, has been running for two years and has seen over 200 teenagers go through it. It aims at helping young girls understand themselves, lead themselves and influence others in order to create positive change in the world. The program has been run in Nairobi, Kisumu and Kitui.
The Influence of Dora
Dora del Hoyo was the first assistant numerary of Opus Dei who died on 10th January 2004, just a day before turning 90. Assistant numeraries are ladies who have the vocation in Opus Dei to live apostolic celibacy and take care of their homes, the centres of the Work.