Number of articles: 543

Family accompaniment 2022 in UIC Barcelona

A group of couples from EA travelled to Spain for the first International Workshop on how to accompany better families in today´s society.

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Updated Masses in honour of St. Josemaria 2022

Some Masses have been organized in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda this year to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaria

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Encounters with Amoris Laetitia

From today’s session, the greatest lesson I have learnt is that marriage can be defined as two imperfect people coming together to form a family, and counting on God’s help, refuse to give up on each other.

Personal testimonies

Learning to Care for One Another in the Family

Eugene and Ann Keng share insights on raising their family of six children in Singapore. Caring for their youngest child Jerome, who has Down's Syndrome, is especially challenging.

Personal testimonies

Pope's Prayer Intention for May 2022

Let us pray so that all young people, called to live life to the fullest, may discover in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage of faith, and dedication to service.”

From the Church and the Pope

Everyday help from St Joseph

As we celebrate the feast of St Joseph on 19 March, we remember his important role in caring for the Holy Family, as patron of the Universal Church and of workers, and his intercession that is felt by many people in everyday life.

Personal testimonies

Heaven in Daily Instalments Episode 10

A time-honored way to study and savor the word of God is lectio divina which constitutes a real and veritable spiritual journey marked out in stages.

Christian Life

The Monthly Intentions: Praying All Together

Here is the intention from 2 October 2021 to 2 October 2022, which the Prelate is suggesting to the faithful and friends of Opus Dei.

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Univ local chapter 2022 in Kenya

The Univ Forum started in 1968 under the inspiration of St Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. In the last 54 years, about a hundred thousand university students have met in Rome to discuss and share ideas on various urgent topics, whilst celebrating the Holy Week beside the Holy Father.

Recent News

Retreat, Birthday, Feast Day

On March 17th afternoon we arrived at St Patrick’s Pastoral Center in Bungoma Diocese for an annual spiritual retreat. Excitement for me was on several levels...

Personal testimonies