Video Clip of the UNIV audience with the Pope

We present a short video clip of the audience Benedict XVI had with the participants of the UNIV congress 2006. Duration: 2´22´. Download: 12MB: The download requires RealPlayer

To see the video click on the link below (requires Real Player):

Video Clip of the UNIV 2006 Audience

In the video, the Pope says in Italian: "whoever has found Christ cannot help but bring others to Him, as the joy is too great to keep it to oneself, the joy must be shared. And this is precisely the task for which Christ calls you. This is “the apostolate of friendship” that St. Josemaría, the founder of Opus Dei, describes as “personal friendship,” self-sacrificing, and sincere: face to face, heart to heart. (Furrow, n. 191). 

The video has been made by  Betafilms with the assistance of ELIS.