Pro-life, Pro-march

I've never taken part in any demonstration, walk or march in my life! I've always given "support" from the safety of a sofa, behind a screen scrolling and with ‘likes’... This was my first time on the ground.

In Kenya, the annual Pro-Life March is organised by a number of organisations including the Kenya Christian Professionals Union and CitizenGo. They schedule it on the Saturday closest to 25th March. I overheard from one of the fellow-marchers that this date is traditionally when the Blessed Virgin Mary conceived Jesus. Hats off to the team that settled on that date with this reasoning. This year, the march would have been held on Saturday 28th March, but for the Corona pandemic... But truth be told, a march for life on any day is still just as phenomenal!

In Kenya our data is shaky... But from what I could establish, as of 2012, it is said we had about 175 abortions per day or 64,000 in a year. On Saturday 23rd March 2019 a noisy group of Nairobians - men, women and children - gathered together at Railway Sports Club to begin their annual march in honour of these 64,000.

The walk - with police escort and trailing ambulances - took us right through the heart of the CBD. We chanted and sang much louder than I ever have from my bed or sofa at home scrolling... Like!...

Aside from the cheerfulness of the entire crowd, the one other episode that made that morning so memorable, was interacting with some Muslims participants: a young man and his sister. And they too were there chanting and waving placards with us.


This year the March has been postponed indefinitely. But friends I shared pictures with of last year are all yearning to join in the one this year. There's definitely something glowing inside when we young fellows quite literally stand up (from our couches and beds and comfort zones) and count for something.

MW, Nairobi