It all started when two members of the Legion of Mary Wakiso Seat of Wisdom presidium visited St. George High School in Wakiso Town. My wife was one of the two legionaries. During the visit, there was an interaction with the students. They asked many questions about the Faith which the legionaries could not cover in the short time the visit had been scheduled for.
My wife shared their experience with me. Her thoughts were on the school children and what can be done to help them. This is when it occurred to me that something could be done based on the examples of some members of the Work in Kenya and Uganda who I had seen visiting schools.
My wife and I prayed and thought of what exactly to do for these boys and girls. We got an idea: to start offering Catechism classes using the question and answer catechism of the Catholic Church. We approached the patron of the Legion of Mary in the school and shared with him the idea, which he welcomed and promised to support where possible. He in turn shared the idea with the school administration who allocated us time on Sunday midmorning to teach catechism to those children who would love to refresh their knowledge on Catholic Faith and those who wanted to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
We started the catechism classes early in 2022 and we have been having an average of seven boys, taught by myself, and five girls, taught by my wife. Six boys and four girls were encouraged to receive Confirmation. These classes are conducted outdoors in the school compound. We opted for this to avoid inconveniencing other students who use the classrooms and are not interested in Catechism.
It has been more than a year and to make the work more sustainable we are contacting the other Catholic couples to give us a hand in the project by themselves studying the materials which they will later transmit to the students.
Adrian Munyambabazi