3 questions to Cathy Yiga

A 25-year-old Ugandan explains her vocation in Opus Dei as a numerary member .

Cathy playing the piano

What are you by profession and what are you doing in Kenya?

I studied Radiography in Makerere University. It’s a three year degree course about medical imaging. You learn how to take X-rays, do ultrasound scans and you learn about other medical imaging modalities like nuclear medicine. After I finished, I worked at the Kampala Imaging Center, while pursuing a higher diploma in ultrasound. 

I come from a very musical family. My father is a music teacher and he made sure we all received training in music. We all had to practice on the piano at home frequently. I have also been trained in singing and have taken Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) exams. I have put Radiography on hold for a while to pursue my musical side here in Nairobi but I intend to go back to being a Radiographer once I get back to Kampala.

What does being in Opus Dei mean to you?

It means struggling to live as a better Christian, trying to inculcate into my daily life the Christian values I learn about. I remember when I first went to a centre of Opus Dei; I was struck by the idea that I could be holy without having to leave the world. For me that means struggling to live consistently with what I believe in - my Christian faith.

What changed when you joined Opus Dei?

Before joining Opus Dei, I found it easy to give up on things because I lacked the motivation to do them or keep doing them. But once I joined, I find I have a continual source of motivation because the little things of every day life are the ones that will make me holy. That gives me the energy to keep going, to struggle. I used to particularly find it difficult to get up on time in the morning, to make an effort to listen to people, to control my temper. I am not saying that I always manage but the effort is there and that decreases the instances when lets say I lose my temper. Now that I am teaching Piano to children as young as 9 years, I have to make an effort to be patient since not all learn as fast as I would like them to. Many times, I have to repeat the same thing over and over again before they get it and it is very easy to get annoyed. Those little struggles go a long way to make one a better person and Opus Dei gives me the means so that I am constantly working at reaching the goal of sanctity.