Number of articles: 5166

Appointments of an Auxiliary Vicar and a new Vicar General of the Prelature

The Prelate of Opus Dei has appointed an Auxiliary Vicar, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, and a new Vicar General, Msgr. Mariano Fazio.

Recent News

The Auxiliary Vicar in Church law for the Prelature of Opus Dei

Comments of professor Eduardo Baura on the figure of the Auxiliary Vicar in the law of the Church for the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Recent News

A Vocation to Opus Dei

In a get-together in Bogota in 1983, Blessed Alvaro spoke about the vocation to Opus Dei.


Educating in Modesty (1)

Modesty defends the intimacy of a man or a woman, their most precious core, so as to be able to reveal it in the appropriate measure and in the right moment.

Fostering Interior Life

Good Manners

Polite manners provide something essential for living in society, teaching us to be human and civil with others. Courtesy and politeness are "little sisters" of other and greater virtues

Fostering Interior Life

Carols with a Story

Christmas 1947 was approaching. In a students’ hall of residence in Madrid, Spain, St Josemaria suggested to some young men in Opus Dei to compose or choose some popular carols they could sing in family get-togethers.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Ebola: On our own we can do nothing

Steve Ogunde is a Kenyan engineer working in Liberia. He is helping in installing water and health facilities for the people affected by the Ebola crisis.


Priestly Soul – Soul of Christ

All men and women should have a priestly soul, and are called to share intimately in the sentiments of Christ's Heart. This teaching of Saint Josemaria is explained in this article.

Get to Know Christ

Letter from the Prelate (December 2014)

The Prelate points to Christ's second coming at the end of time as a source of hope for Christians, and urges us to prepare well for his first coming, at Christmas.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Cheques that nearly bounced

One Saturday morning, I went to deposit some cheques from my office to the bank. As is the case with cheques for most corporate bank accounts, the mandate for signing them is usually more than one person.
