Number of articles: 5175

Formation in Spiritual Discernment

In his monthly prayer intention for March 2018, Pope Francis has focused on spiritual discernment: the ability to single out among all voices, which is the voice of the Lord, that leads us to the Resurrection and to Life, and away from the "culture of death".

From the Church and the Pope

Guadalupe's Help in Paying Back a Debt

While under pressure to pay a debt, I learned that Guadalupe had been declared venerable.


12 tips to make a better use of Opus Dei website

If you wish to know about the Opus Dei website better; if you would like to discover the contents that best suit your needs but don’t know where to start; here are 12 tips to help you find your way around the icons, links, sections and tags. Enjoy!


Ordinary Time: Sunday, the Lord's Day and Day of Joy

"The celebration of Sunday has a festive tone because Christ has conquered sin, and he wants to conquer sin in us."

Fostering Interior Life

"All generations shall call me blessed": Our Lady in the Liturgical Year

“In celebrating this annual cycle of Christ’s mysteries, holy Church honours with especial love the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, who is joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son."

Fostering Interior Life

Pope’s "Letter to Young People" Read by Students

University students from various countries read Pope Francis' "Letter to Young People" about the upcoming synod of bishops on "Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment."​

From the Church and the Pope

"Faithfully conserving the faith doesn’t make you ultraconservative"

Extract from an interview with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz published in "Vida Nueva," a year after he was elected Prelate of Opus Dei.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Video Summary of the Prelate in London

Last December, the Prelate of Opus Dei spent three days in London. This 27-minute video includes some of the things he said to his sons and daughters in Britain, as well as the various apostolic initiatives he was able to visit or hear about.

From the Prelate

Archbishop of Ibadan launches two new Catechisms

The Archbishop of Ibadan Most Rev. Abegunrin on behalf of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Ibadan Ecclesiastical Province launches two new Catechisms: On Human Life, and On Marriage and the Family.


World Meeting of Families 2018

The World Meeting of Families Congress is a gathering of the Catholic Church that has occurred every three years since St. John Paul II started them in 1994. It is organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, which "promotes the pastoral care of families, protects their rights and dignity in the Church and in civil society, so that they may ever be more able to fulfill their duties."
