Number of articles: 5191

Working on Trust (4): “Can I go out tonight?”

“Can I go out tonight?” is one of the most feared questions for parents of adolescents. But as children grow up, the need for space to exercise their freedom becomes increasingly evident. Fourth video in the series “Working on Trust.”

Recent News

Saint Josemaria: "Poet of the universal call to holiness"

In his homily on June 26 at the Mass in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York for the feast of Saint Josemaria, Cardinal Dolan described Opus Dei's founder as "the poet of the universal call to holiness."

Saint Josemaría

Archbishop William Lori's Homily for Feast of Saint Josemaria

Homily of Archbishop Lori at the Mass on June 26, 2018 in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Baltimore.

Recent News

Message from the Prelate (July 1, 2018)

The solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul is a good opportunity to redouble our prayer for the Church and the Pope, the Prelate tells us in his July 1 message.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Lessons atop Mt. Kenya

Every year, staff, students and friends from Eastlands College of Technology get together to summit the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya at 4,999m above sea level.

Social initiatives

New Mediterraneans (II): "Jesus is my dear Friend" (with audio)

For Saint Josemaria, Jesus was always the "great Friend," the one who truly understands us, since he is perfect God and perfect Man.

Fostering Interior Life

Prelate's Letter on Approval of Miracle Attributed to Guadalupe Ortiz

On June 9, 2018, the decree was promulgated on the miraculous cure attributed to the intercession of Venerable Guadalupe Ortiz. On that same day, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz sent this letter to the faithful of Opus Dei.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Free Ebook: “Catechesis of Pope Francis on the Mass”

This book gathers together the audiences of Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square dedicated to explaining the Holy Mass and the Eucharist, given between November 2017 and April 2018.

From the Church and the Pope

"The freedom and trust of being God's children"

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz for the liturgical memorial of Saint Josemaria, given in the basilica of Saint Eugene in Rome on 26 June 2018.

From the Prelate

​Pastoral Trips of the Prelate in July and August 2018

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz will travel to Spain, Nigeria, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay to see faithful and friends of the Prelature.

From the Prelate