Number of articles: 5191

Saint Josemaria in "Unleash the Gospel"

In the Archdiocese of Detroit's evangelization program "Unleash the Gospel," Saint Josemaria is one of the saints held up as an example of how to make the Gospel message part of one's daily life.

Recent News

“It was my ardent wish to lift my family out of poverty"

Punlaan School is a project of some women of the Prelature of Opus Dei in the Philippines, aimed at helping young women from underprivileged families to acquire the virtues and skills needed to be successful in life.

Social initiatives

"Music is the most spiritual art"

Alvaro is a concert pianist in Brazil. He speaks about how the teachings of Saint Josemaria have helped him to contemplate God, the Fullness of Beauty, in his work.

Personal testimonies

Nine Days Praying With Dora del Hoyo

This novena offers nine prayers to help us talk to God about what makes us happy, worries us or upsets us, in the light of different features that shone forth in the life of Dora del Hoyo, whose cause of canonization has been opened.


"Our daughter lived for only three hours"

Four young couples in Portugal speak about their readiness to accept the children God sends them and the joy this brings to their family.

Personal testimonies

Audio Meditation of the Prelate on the 90th Anniversary of 14 February 1930

On the 90th anniversary of the women's branch of Opus Dei, we offer this audio and English translation of a meditation given by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace.

Prelate of Opus Dei

Apostolic Exhortation "Querida Amazonia"

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Querida Amazonia" of Pope Francis, with link to the document in pdf format.

From the Church and the Pope

Brave, Passionate, and Full of Faith

Inma Alva, a historian investigating Opus Dei's beginnings, talks about the first women members: “What stands out is their capacity for great undertakings, their passion, and their enormous faith in the face of difficulties.”​

Recent News

"Still some more little surprises"

Victoria López-Amo is the woman who has been in Opus Dei the longest. Last May she turned 100. A Guatemalan citizen of Spanish origin, Victoria loves life and still has a few things left to accomplish.

History of Opus Dei

14 February 2020: A Path Traveled by Many

On 14 February 1930, Saint Josemaria saw that God wanted to give the vocation to Opus Dei to many women. Since then, many have taken up this path all over the world.

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