7 Young People Read “The Way” by St. Josemaría
We asked seven young people to read ‘The Way’ and to choose their favourite points. In this video, Veronica Maria, Michele, Angelica, Giulia, Angelina, Roberto, and Federico tell us why they chose the points they did.
At Notre-Dame: “I truly felt I was working for God”
As Notre-Dame de Paris reopens its doors this Sunday, 8 December, Antonin, a master stonemason, reflects on the profound experience of contributing to the restoration of this iconic cathedral.
My "Way"
Chezhiyan, a software development manager from Bengaluru, India, had to undergo a kidney transplant. He tells about the support he received from his wife and a book by Saint Josemaría Escrivá
Like the Parting of the Red Sea
Joseph Hyginus, a Sri Lankan supernumerary living in Canada, talks about immigrating to find better opportunities for his family, and how he found his vocation along the way.
"The Way": 80 Years Old
Saint Josemaria's small book was first published on 29 September 1939. Here are some stories from East Africa about people who have come to love this book, and how it resonates with their spirit.
"I still read 'The Way' for inspiration"
Michael Miley, drummer for the Rival Sons, discovered the Catholic faith through a friend. He says Saint Josemaria's book "The Way" motivates him to want to do his work better.
The Way: "It was love at first sight"
"I was baptized an evangelical Lutheran and even received Confirmation, but I can’t claim that I was a good Christian." Another story about how Saint Josemaria's book "The Way" has changed people's lives.
"The Way": a Joy for Clandestine Seminarians
A priest in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church speaks about the support he found as a seminarian in Saint Josemaria's book during the communist years in his country.
The butter "tragedy" – 100 years later
Fr Willie Doyle, a heroic Irish Jesuit military chaplain, died in battle 100 years ago. The story of how St Josemaria came to know about his life and include his example of self-denial in "The Way."
"How can I leave a mark?"
"I always thought that I was living as a good Catholic. Then one day I came upon a copy of 'The Way.'" José recounts how reading a book by the founder of Opus Dei helped him change his life.