"St. Josemaria taught me how to care for others and to be patient"
Aníbal was educated at Valle Grande, an Opus Dei initiative aimed at providing young people in Peru with the skills needed for social and professional integration. In this video, he shares his story and explains how this educational center has helped him succeed.
"If we didn't do our small bit..."
An elementary school teacher and her former students reach out to the less fortunate in Antique province, central Philippines.
"Red dirt, deadly animals and desolate landscapes"
"It was surreal experience to travel to the heart of the country." Francis Gonzaga, a student from Warrane College in Sydney, reflects on his experience at a volunteer work camp in Alice Springs, Australia.
Chipping Away at Poverty: One Graduate at a Time
Each year, Banilad School in the Philippines sees young girls leave its halls, brimming with hope, looking forward to bringing a bright future to their families and to become valuable contributors to the food, hotel, and restaurant service sectors.
Food for More Than 50,000 People
The students of Los Cerros (a school in Colombia), in collaboration with the Food Bank, have collected more than 9,600 cans of food that will be distributed to vulnerable families in Bogota.
Beyond My Four Walls
The following stories show how creativity and a passion for doing good can cut through walls and cross over oceans. Although we are confined, our eagerness to help others cannot be.
Marian: Bursting the Bubble
Marian from Puerto Rico says she grew up in a "bubble": between her family and her school, all her needs were always met. All of that changed after doing some community service at school. Motivated by Saint Josemaria's encouragement to foster a genuine concern for every person, she also wants to help others to see beyond their own immediate needs.
A Center for Women’s Health in Palestine
One year ago the first center in Palestine for the specific diagnosis of breast cancer was opened in Bethlehem. Its history is an example of how a spirit of service can cross over borders and reach the world's peripheries.
Josemaria, Once Again Among the Needy
"But what can I do?" On seeing so many needy people in the streets of Mazatlan (a coastal city in Mexico), Amparo asked herself what she could do to help. Today, more than 15 years later, Amparo’s question has found a clear answer.
The Creativity of Charity
How can I help assist those in need? Where do I start? This short documentary shows creative ways in which Catholics from various countries have responded to the needs of those around them.