Number of articles: 484

“When we feel loved, we are moved to go out to others”

In his 5 February general audience, Pope Francis continued the catechetical cycle on Jesus Christ, our hope, for the Jubilee of 2025, speaking about the visitation and the Magnificat.

“Joseph accepts God’s dream for his life”

In his 29 January general audience, Pope Francis continued the catechetical cycle on Jesus Christ, our hope, for the Jubilee of 2025, speaking about the annunciation to St. Joseph.

“Let us open our ears to the divine Word”

In his 22 January general audience, Pope Francis continued the catechetical cycle on Jesus Christ, our hope, for the Jubilee of 2025, speaking about the Annunciation.

“I ask for the right to be a child”

Pope Francis dedicated his 15 January general audience to children, the "most beloved of the Father."

“Children are a gift from God”

Pope Francis dedicated his 8 January general audience to children, speaking about the scourge of child labour.

“May 2025 be a year in which peace flourishes!”

Pope Francis' message for the 58th World Day of Peace, on 1 January 2025.

“Mary marks a new beginning”

In his 18 December general audience, Pope Francis began a new catechetical cycle on Jesus Christ, our hope, for the Jubilee of 2025, speaking about the Son of God's entry into human history.

“If the Church is a boat, the Holy Spirit is the sail”

In his 11 December general audience, Pope Francis concluded the catechetical cycle on how the Holy Spirit guides the People of God through salvation history, speaking about the Holy Spirit and Christian hope.

"The Holy Spirit comes to those who pray"

In his 4 December general audience, Pope Francis continued catechetical cycle on how the Holy Spirit guides the People of God through salvation history, speaking about the evangelizing work of the Holy Spirit.

"The joy of the Gospel can be renewed every day"

In his 27 November general audience, Pope Francis continued catechetical cycle on how the Holy Spirit guides the People of God through salvation history, speaking about joy.