Number of articles: 5

The Scanner

I want to share a favor I received through Dora del Hoyo: I needed to send some documents that I first needed to scan, and I could not get the scanner to work properly. I remembered that Dora had done me a favor once...


The Hinge of our Sanctification

St Josemaría often said: “Our ordinary activities are not an insignificant matter. Rather they are the very hinge on which our sanctity turns." A new article in the series on "Sanctifying our Work."

“The Lay Faithful and the New Evangelization"

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Vicar General of Opus Dei, reflects on the role of lay people in transmitting the Gospel message, in light of Vatican II.

Christian Life

"Passionately Loving the World", Forty Years On

Forty years ago St. Josemaria celebrated Holy Mass in Pamplona before a large crowd and gave the homily known as "Passionately Loving the World." Professor Antonio Aranda reflects on its significance.

Christian Life


Work, family life, and other ordinary activities are occasions for spiritual union with Jesus Christ.

Opus Dei