Number of articles: 41

"There's so much more to parenting..."

In this 5-minute video, couples from all over the world share their experiences after attending the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD) Congress in Mexico.

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Feast of the Assumption of Mary

A homily given by Pope Francis on August 15, 2013. He urges us to pray the Rosary daily to assist the Church in her "battle against the evil one and his accomplices."

eBook: Catechesis on the Family (vol. III)

The final volume of Pope Francis' addresses on the family is now available in pdf and epub format.

Marriage: a Divine Path on Earth

Inspired by the Marian year for the family in Opus Dei, this is the first in a series of videos made in Chile on the vocation to marriage, "a divine path on earth," as Saint Josemaria liked to say.

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"A simple secret to healing wounds"

In his November 4 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of forgiving others in the context of the family: "it is precisely in receiving forgiveness from God that we in turn are capable of forgiving others."

"Holy Spouses, Holy Families"

Reflections on the final days of the Synod on the Family by Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles. "How many holy spouses there are, hidden saints of the everyday, in every time and every place in the Church."

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Prayer Vigil for Festival of Families

The address Pope Francis prepared for this event in the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, with a video summary of his spontaneous spoken remarks.

World Meeting of Families

On September 22, Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron of Los Angeles opened the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Some excerpts from his opening address.

Recent News

eBook: Catechesis on the Family (vol. II)

Addresses on the topic of the family given by Pope Francis in his Wednesday audiences from April 15 to June 24, 2015.

Lady of Torreciudad, care for each family

A photo gallery with several hundred photos from the 25th Marian Day for the Family at the shrine of Torreciudad on September 5, 2015.

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