Number of articles: 10

New Audiobook: “Friends of God”

Free audio versions of 18 homilies on the virtues by St. Josemaria’s, recently re-recorded.

Mother of God and Our Mother

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is celebrated on 1 January and commemorates the dogma of Mary's divine Maternity. This homily by St. Josemaría, published in "Friends of God," was given on 11 October 1964, then the feast of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Feast of St Josemaría Escrivá – Homily of Archbishop Farrell

Homily at the Mass in honour of St Josemaría Escrivá, Parish of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Merrion Road, Dublin on 26th June 2024.

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Letter of St. Josemaria about charity in the transmission of the faith

Thanks to Scepter (U.K.) Ltd. and the Fundación Studium, here is a digital version of Letter 4 from The Collected Letters, volume I, in which St. Josemaria wrote about charity in the transmission of the faith.


Letter of Saint Josemaria about some characteristics of the spirit of Opus Dei

Thanks to Scepter (U.K.) Ltd. and the Fundación Studium, here is a digital version of Letter 6 from The Collected Letters, volume II, in which St. Josemaria wrote about some aspects of the vocation and mission of the Work, speaking particularly about secularity.


Letter of Saint Josemaria about the work of Saint Gabriel

This letter, which bears the number 29 in the collected works of St. Josemaria, speaks of the work of St. Gabriel, one of the apostolates (perhaps the most extensive today) that Opus Dei develops among people who have already passed their youth and who, in general, feel called to follow the path of holy matrimony.


Novena to Saint Josemaria for Students

God walks with us and his friends, the saints, are “allies” who help us. On 17 November, International Students’ Day, here is a novena to St. Josemaria for students.


"We must have a heart for everyone"

In this video, St. Josemaría reflects on living pluralism in social life, because "it is not enough to manage things with equity and human justice: we need to put our hearts into them."

The Vocation of Josemaría Escrivá (1918-1928)

First published in "Scripta Theologica", this article by Jose Luis Gonzalez Guillon analyses a singular event, whose centenary we commemorate: the footprints in the snow made by some discalced Carmelites led St Josemaría to discover his vocation in the Church and deepen personally in the Christian mystery.


The Christian Vocation, Nucleus of the Message of Msgr. Escrivá

Homily given by Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Josemaría Escrivá (May 18, 1992)
