Number of articles: 63

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

Since 1951, on the Sunday after Christmas, in Opus Dei a special petition is made to the Holy Family of Nazareth for the families of the Prelature's faithful. Here is the story of the origin of this prayer.

“I like to think of Opus Dei as a family of families”

Fernanda Lopes is the president of the preparatory Committee for the centenary of Opus Dei. Part of the Central Advisory in Rome since September 2020, she speaks about the recent workshop on the family in which she took part with people from all over the world

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"Embrace your vocation with faithful love"

Homily of Pope Francis on 25 June at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the 10th World Meeting of Families, which closes the Year of the Family in the Church.

A Worldwide Conversation on Affectivity and Sexuality

From 4-5 June 2022, an online conference will take place organized by the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development) with the title “Love Talks.”

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Inspiring Examples of Sanctity in Marriage

Next Thursday, 26 May 2022, the 2nd day of reflection on lay holiness will be held in Rome. Entitled "Sanctity, Marriage, Family," it will take place just one month before the end of the “Amoris Laetitia” Year of the Family. The Prelate of Opus Dei will give the closing address.

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Five Children on Earth and Two in Heaven

Alejandro and Adriana, who live in Guadalajara, Mexico, tell us the story of their family, with its great sorrows, and even greater joys.

In South Africa: Growing as a Family

After participating in some courses about Family Orientation, a couple living in Johannesburg decided to start and lead their own course with other married friends.

"Saint Joseph, you do it because I don’t know how to"

During the four months his wife was in the hospital, José Ignacio says that “every day I prayed to Saint Joseph because he had to deal with much more complicated problems and was a strong support for the Holy Family.”

“There are so many good people everywhere”

In the Year of Saint Joseph and the Family, Erick Díaz, a Peruvian supernumerary in Opus Dei, talks about how he migrated to the United States filled with dreams. There he met his wife, Sandy, and they now have five children.

Fathers Strengthening Families

Leading up to Father’s Day this coming Sunday, featured here are dads taking the lead in a new family life podcast celebrating 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines.

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