Number of articles: 200

Opus Dei in the Church

On March 19, 1983 in Rome, the handing over of the Bull “Ut Sit” took place. This document from John Paul II erected Opus Dei as a personal prelature. Opus Dei’s only purpose, as the Founder said, “is to serve the Church".

Personal prelature

A Brief History of Opus Dei's Canonical Path

A new edition of the short book, The Juridical Mind of St. Josemaria Escriva, by canon law professor, Ernest Caparros has been published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Opus Dei becoming a personal prelature.

Personal prelature

Video: Bishop Alvaro del Portillo receiving the bull "Ut sit"

In 1982, with the Apostolic Constitution, "Ut sit," John Paul II erected Opus Dei as a personal prelature. The following video records the first Prelate, Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo, receiving the bull "Ut sit" in the Basilica of Saint Eugene in Rome.

Personal prelature

What is the mission of the prelature of Opus Dei? What is special about this mission that is not found in other Church entities?

The mission of the prelature of Opus Dei is the same salvific mission as that of the whole Church, carried out in conformity with a specific charism of sanctification and apostolate in professional work and in the context of ordinary life.

Personal prelature

How does the diocese benefit from the work of the faithful of Opus Dei?

The work and entire life of the members of Opus Dei, to the extent to which they are loyal to their vocation, constitutes a part of the spiritual and apostolic good of the diocese.

Personal prelature

How is it financed?

The prelature of Opus Dei is financed in the same way as the dioceses and other future prelatures, that is, above all by the contributions of its own faithful and of other people who provide financial assistance for its mission.

Personal prelature

Upon whom does the prelate of Opus Dei depend? Who appoints him?

The prelate of Opus Dei and the prelature itself depend—as do all ecclesiastical circumscriptions—on the Holy See, that is, on the Roman Pontiff and the organ that assists him in what refers to dioceses and prelatures, the Congregation for Bishops.

Personal prelature

What commitments are made by a person who is incorporated in Opus Dei?

Incorporation in the prelature of Opus Dei is essentially united to the personal vocation of that individual.

Personal prelature

How long have personal prelatures existed in the Church?

Although similar personal hierarchical structures already existed (such as military vicariates), the juridical figure of the personal prelature is the result of an apostolic desire of the Second Vatican Council that later took form in the present Code of Canon Law. The first to be erected was the prelature of Opus Dei, in the Apostolic Constitution Ut sit of John Paul II, on November 28, 1982.

Personal prelature

How is the prelature of Opus Dei governed? Who directs it?

Like any prelature, the government of Opus Dei is the responsibility of its prelate and his vicars, who are assisted by councils made up of other faithful, many of them lay persons, both men and women. The lay faithful also play a decisive role in the organizational tasks and in the formational activity of Opus Dei.

Personal prelature