Number of articles: 200

Nigerian Chemical Engineer to be ordained

Basil Isiekwe, engineering graduate of the University of Lagos, will be ordained a priest of the Opus Dei prelature on Saturday, May 8th, together with 31 other professionals from all over the world.

Opus Dei

Papal Audience for UNIV 2009

In an audience held in St. Peter’s Square, Benedict XVI greeted over 4000 university students who are taking part in the UNIV Conference in Rome. Quoting St. Josemaría, he encouraged them to seek God in their daily life.

Opus Dei

The priestly soul of the faithful

In this video during the Year for Priests, we focus on the meaning of the “priestly soul” that all the baptized possess (3:01).

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

The priesthood: In the service of others

Being a priest means being the servant of all men and women. Just as Christ washed his disciples’ feet, so must the priest offer his help to others. A new video for the Year for Priests (3:16).

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Mothers of Priests

"Our Lord has taken my best child,” says one priest’s mother in this video. A new video in the series on the Year for Priests (03’23”).

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

November 28: "Launch out into the deep!"

On November 28, 1982, John Paul II erected Opus Dei as a personal prelature. In this video he encourages its faithful—laity and priests—to continue their mission without fear (Vídeo: 2’20’’).

Opus Dei

The Eucharist: core of the priesthood

The fourth video in this series for the Year of the Priesthood highlights the union between the priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Secretary of Congregation for Clergy speaks about a priest's identity

What would the Holy Father tell every priest in the world if he could spend a moment with each one? According to the Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, Benedict XVI would speak about the priest's identity (03'29").

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Joe Keefe: art historian

VIDEO: an art historian talks about deciding to be a numerary, his experiences at college, and trying to fit the Opus Dei “norms” into an average day.

Opus Dei in this country

Ordinations in Torreciudad

On September 6 the Prelate of Opus Dei ordained to the priesthood Diego Pérez Gondar and José Ramón Alba Riera in the Sanctuary of Torreciudad

Opus Dei