Number of articles: 835

In Colombia: Online Apostolate During the Pandemic

Although forced to shift to virtual means when the pandemic struck, the means of formation have multiplied, with more people than ever taking part.

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"Show us you are a mother!"

December 12 is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. An account of Saint Josemaria's pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, in May 1970, where he was accompanied by Msgr. Javier Echevarria and Blessed Alvaro del Portillo.

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Finding Hope and Joy in a Pandemic: International Zoom Conference

From December 8-12, Parents for Education Foundation, a network of 15 schools in the Philippines following St. Josemaría Escriva’s advice on home and school collaboration, is teaming up with global institutions and speakers for a free international Zoom conference for parents, educators and youth.

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A Faithful Son of Saint Josemaria

Father Cormac Burke, who helped begin Opus Dei's apostolic work in several countries, died on 22 November in Nairobi, after many years of faithful work in Kenya. He was also a well-known author and worked as a judge on the Roma Rota.

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New Anniversary of Personal Prelature

Saint John Paul II erected Opus Dei as a personal prelature on November 28, 1982. Here is an address he gave at a workshop on the Apostolic Letter “Novo Millennio Ineunte,” on March 17, 2001, in which he outlines his hopes for the Prelature.

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Novena to Saint Josemaria for the Family

During this Year of the Family in the Church, which ends on June 26, 2022, this novena can help people grasp the greatness of the vocation to seek holiness in Christian marriage and family life, imitating the Holy Family.

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Tech-Voc School Seeks to Spur Economy Beyond the Pandemic

Dualtech Training Center in the Philippines has been educating youth and providing workers for industry since 1982.

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24 New Deacons: “Our Lord is calling all men and women to holiness”

Excerpt from the homily of Bishop Yanguas at the diaconal ordination of 24 faithful of Opus Dei, and also some words from the Prelate of Opus Dei after the ceremony.

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The Minerva Publishing House

The Minerva publishing firm (1943-1946) was the first cultural initiative begun by faithful of Opus Dei. It was launched with great enthusiasm, under the direct encouragement of Saint Josemaría. The historical researcher Mercedes Montero recounts the origin and evolution of this project.

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Discover Opus Dei’s New Website

A website, like a house, sometimes needs a bit of remodeling. The present version of Opus Dei’s website began in 2014. Now we have launched a new version that is faster and more agile, and that adds many helpful features.

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