Number of articles: 835

Thirty-One New Priests in One Month

The priestly ordination of 31 faithful of Opus Dei is just one month away. The celebrant will be Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governorate of the Vatican City State.

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Photos of Ordination of Two New Deacons

On February 25 in Rome, two faithul of the Prelature were ordained to the diaconate in the parish of Saint Josemaria. They were ordained by Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. They will be ordained priests in 6 months time.

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Saxum Around the World

A 5-minute video on how the soon-to-open Saxum project in the Holy Land is already having an impact all over the world.

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Good Son, Good Father

"When a good person we love passes away, a thousand memories flood our heart." An article on the impact of the death of Bishop Javier Echevarría in the hearts of so many people.

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Prelate of Opus Dei Names Central Advisory

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the new Prelate of Opus Dei, has named the members of the Central Advisory that, together with the general Council, assists in the pastoral government of the prelature

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"Nurture hope, not fear"

On January 24, in his message for the 51st World Communications Day, Pope Francis called for "an open and creative style of communication that never seeks to glamorize evil but instead to concentrate on solutions."

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Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Names Opus Dei’s General Council

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the new Prelate of Opus Dei, has named the members of the General Council that, together with the Central Advisory, assists him in the pastoral government of the prelature.

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Photos of Elective Congress

Some photos of those taking part in the elective congress in Rome to choose the third successor to Saint Josemaria. These will be updated each day until the election is concluded and also during the general congress afterwards.

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On the Way to the Elective Congress

Faithful of Opus Dei from around the world describe how the next Prelate of Opus Dei will be elected, as they reflect on what the Church expects from them today.

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“Saint Josemaria's charism is a treasure that can beautify the world”

Isabel Sánchez is the central Secretary of the Advisory, the women's council that assists the Prelate in governing the Prelature. In this interview she describes the elective process that concludes with the naming of a new Prelate.

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