Number of articles: 835

Learning to Care for One Another in the Family

Eugene and Ann Keng share insights on raising their family of six children in Singapore. Caring for their youngest child Jerome, who has Down's Syndrome, is especially challenging.

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Renewing the Enthusiasm of a Tired World

The University of Navarra awarded honorary doctorates this year to British sociologist Margaret S. Archer; Israeli philologist Ruth Fine; American writer and media expert Robert Picard; and Spanish architect Rafael Moneo.

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By Dint of Little Steps: Walking the Way of St. James

Southridge School in the Philippines organized a Camino de Santiago pilgrimage to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the school's founding.

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Going on Vocation

Using Sacred Scripture and the writings of the saints and the Popes, this recent book provides young people with material for reflecting on the topic of vocation.

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"Working on Trust": On Family & Parenting

This series of videos is intended to help parents in the education of their children. The videos draw upon the teachings of Saint Josemaria, who was passionate about freedom and the educational role of parents.

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Saxum Foundation: Holy Land Dialogues

The Holy Land Dialogues, organized by Saxum Foundation, combines visits to the Holy Sites with academic lectures given by experts, with the aim of fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Holy Land.

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Husband, Parent, Business Entrepreneur, Saint

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross recently organized a seminar to reflect on the holiness of lay people, in the context of Guadalupe Ortiz's beatification. Enrique Shaw, whose process of canonization has been opened, was one of the people highlighted there.

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Priestly Ordinations: “God always promises the future”

34 faithful of Opus Dei were ordained priests on Saturday, May 4th, at the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome. The new priests come from 16 different countries and join the clergy of the Prelature.

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The Prelate with UNIV 2019 Students

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz had several catechetical get-togethers with the university students in Rome during Holy Week for UNIV 2019.

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"It happened here" The Resurrection

A brief video produced by the Saxum Visitor Center in the Holy Land about the historical setting for Christ's burial and resurrection.

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