Number of articles: 1026

Always an Open Invitation

Each saint is a mission planned by the Father to reflect and embody a certain aspect of the Gospel. What aspects of Jesus’ life do the faithful of Opus Dei seek to embody?

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Saint Joseph the Worker

A meditation (guided prayer) on learning how to sanctify our work by doing it for love.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation for the Good Shepherd Sunday

A meditation by Fr Donncha Ó hAodha, Vicar of Opus Dei for Ireland, for the Good Shepherd Sunday (April 25, 2021)

Fostering Interior Life

Very Human, Very Divine (II): We Have the Way Within

We are called to bring God's light to the world, "and we have the way within. It is Christ, who wants us to be, like Himself, both very human and very divine."

Fostering Interior Life

Why Go to Confession?

What is Confession? Why is sin so harmful? What's needed for a good Confession, and why do we ask for forgiveness from a man and not directly from God?

Doctrinal Articles

Saint Raphael Meditation: Divine Mercy

A meditation (guided prayer) on the sure means to recover our peace and joy: the sacrament of confession.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation for the Feast of the Divine Mercy (April 11)

A meditation by Fr Gavan Jennings for the Feast of Divine Mercy.

Fostering Interior Life

Christian Joy

"Christian joy is the consequence of possessing God through faith and charity; it is the fruit of living all the virtues." A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

April Recollection Kit (2021)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. As we continue to face a global pandemic, this "recollection-at-home" can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

Fostering Interior Life

Free eBook: "For me, to live is Christ"

Christ is the starting point and the guiding thread of every Christian life. Our life of prayer, forming our emotions, inner freedom, spiritual struggle, our sense of mission... all converge in Christ. We want to live our life in Him, to live His life in ours.

Christian Life