Number of articles: 1044

With a Father’s Heart: In Joseph's Workshop

In this year of Saint Joseph, here are some personal reflections on how Joseph and Jesus would have worked alongside each another, when Jesus was an adolescent.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Holiness on Loan

A meditation (guided prayer) on the mysterious reality of every Christian's call to holiness. Only by possessing and being possessed by Christ is holiness possible for us.

Fostering Interior Life

Peter at the Helm, God in the Boat

The testimony of Saint Josemaría and other saints about love for the Pope and trust in God.

Fostering Interior Life

"That First Prayer of a Child of God" (with audio)

On 16 October 1931, Saint Josemaria, beset with many worries, deeply experienced the reality that he was a child of God, which he called a "new Mediterranean" in his life.

Fostering Interior Life

What does it mean to sanctify work?

To sanctify work is to strive to do it well, with professional competence, putting all of one's talents, intelligence, will and affection into the work at hand. However, it is also a matter of one’s intention at the moment of working. It is worth asking oneself: Why am I doing this? What is the point of doing it well when no one sees me?

Doctrinal Articles

Contemplating the Rosary through Sacred Art and Scripture

7 October is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. We offer a pdf prepared in Kenya that can help us grow in our love for each of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary,

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Augustine on "True Poverty"

For the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4, here is a brief selection from a homily of Saint Augustine on the need for poverty of spirit in order to share in Christ's life.

Fostering Interior Life

Very Human, Very Divine (VII): Our Work, Divine Leaven​​​​

When we work out of love for God and our fellow men and women, our work becomes "divine leaven" that, united to Christ's sacrifice, helps transform the world. A new article in the series on the virtues.

Fostering Interior Life

​What does it mean to be a saint? Who can become a saint?

We are all called to become saints. But what specifically does being a saint consist of? More importantly, how can we be holy? In this article we recall some ideas on holiness taken from a variety of sources.

Doctrinal Articles

What is the conscience? What is conscientious objection?

What is the conscience? How does it act, and how is conscience formed? What is conscientious objection? Some questions and answers about the "interior space of dialogue" between God and man.

Doctrinal Articles