Some testimonies about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo
Brief comments about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo taken from communications sent by some well-known people in the Church and society.
Pope Declares Alvaro del Portillo "Venerable"
On June 28, Benedict XVI signed a decree that recognizes the "heroic virtues" of Alvaro del Portillo, the first successor of St. Josemaría Escrivá.
A step in Don Alvaro's process of canonization
The Diocese of Rome has finsihed collecting testimony from those who knew Alvaro del Portillo. This documentation will now be sent to the Vatican. We offer a video summary of the official act that closed this stage of the process.
Alvaro del Portillo's Life
In 1975, Alvaro del Portillo succeeded St. Josemaría Escrivá as head of Opus Dei, carrying on his work with fidelity and dedication.
News of the Cause of Bishop Alvaro
On July 5, 2013, Pope Francis signed the decree recognizing the miracle attributed to the intercession of Alvaro del Portillo, which opens the way to his beatification.
Genuine school of love
Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's commentary on the Pope's letter to families.
Light, salt, and leaven
"The Christian's task is similar to that of Christ's first disciples: to pass on the Good News by example and word." An article by Bishop del Portillo published in Issue XXVII of Catholic Familyland, 1998.
A priest and a father
An article by Bishop Javier Echevarría, published in L'Osservatore Romana on the day Bishop Alvaro del Portillo died.