Number of articles: 4730

Two beating hearts

My husband and I have been married almost 6 years. We married fairly young: he was 23 and I was 25. Our greatest desire was to start a family.


Alvaro del Portillo in Facebook, Twitter and Smartphone app

Daily posts on Alvaro del Portillo’s life story and pastoral message can now be received through Twitter and Facebook. A smartphone app is also available.


eBook: “Summaries of Catholic Teaching”

This free eBook offers in several formats brief summaries of the teaching of the Catholic Church on key points of faith and morals, prepared by professors at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Doctrinal Articles

Prelate's Visit to the Holy Land

The Terra Santa News Service has a six minute segment "Waiting for Saxum" on Bishop Javier Echevarría's recent visit to Israel and the future Saxum Center.

From the Prelate

New Documentary Film about Fr. Joseph Muzquiz

A new biographical documentary about Father Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization was opened in Boston in 2011, is available through Scepter Publishers and Ignatius Press.

Other resources

Saxum, a Conference Center in the Holy Land

Inspired by St. Josemaria and Venerable Alvaro del Portillo, Saxum Conference Center will help pilgrims to the Holy Land draw closer to the life of Christ on earth.

Recent News

Blueprint for a Happy Marriage

Three Australians share their memories of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's fatherly warmth and the encouragement he gave to married couples.

Personal testimonies

Letter from the Prelate (January 2014)

The Prelate asks us to make a special effort to live fraternity with all men and women, created in the image and likeness of God, and redeemed by Christ.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

John Paul II prays before mortal remains of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

The Holy Father John Paul II came to pray before the body of Alvaro del Portillo soon after his death.


Personal testimonies regarding Alvaro del Portillo

Brief comments about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo taken from statements by well-known people in the Church and society.
