Number of articles: 275

October 6: Canonization of Saint Josemaria

Saint Josemaria was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 6, 2002. In this brief video, he sums up the heart of his message.

Saint Josemaría

6 October: Webcam in Our Lady of Peace

On 6 October, anniversary of the canonization of Saint Josemaria, at 7 pm Rome time ((UTC+2), live images of the casket with the mortal remains of the founder of Opus Dei will be transmitted for one hour. The faithful can access this transmission from this website or from the official channels in Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

Recent News


What is celibacy? How did it arise in the Church? Who lives apostolic celibacy in Opus Dei and why? An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría," which is currently being translated into English.

Fostering Interior Life

Spiritual Reading

What is spiritual reading and what does it aim to achieve? Why did Saint Josemaría include this practice in the plan of spiritual life he recommended? An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría," which is currently being translated into English.

Fostering Interior Life

Serenading Our Lady of Guadalupe

After his stay of 40 days in Mexico in 1970, the hour came when the Founder of Opus Dei had to say adios: adios to his children, to the land of Mexico, and to our Lady of Guadalupe.

Historical context

9 Quotes on Work from Saint Josemaria Escriva

"A few weeks ago, my wife suggested that we pray a novena regarding my unemployment. After searching for a novena online, I found the 'Novena for Work to Saint Josemaria Escriva.'"

Devotion and Favors

"The most important event in my life was meeting Saint Josemaria"

An interview with Francisco Ponz, former rector of the University of Navarra, who recently turned 100.

Personal testimonies

Some Advice for Newlyweds

Paz and Alejandro were married in May 1970, when Saint Josemaria was in Mexico for his pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Paz tells us how they managed to get him to participate in their wedding.

Personal testimonies

Live-streaming on Saint Josemaria's Feast Day: Mass for Victims of the Pandemic

This website will broadcast the solemn Mass celebrated by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace for the Feast of Saint Josemaria on June 26th at 7:00 pm (GMT+2). The Prelate will offer the Mass for those who have died during the pandemic.


Prelate's Homily for Feast of Saint Josemaria

The Eucharist, the aspiration "omnia in bonum" (everything is for the good!), and the sense of mission are the three topics of the homily at the Mass in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome (26 June 2020).

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages