Mother of God and Our Mother
The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is celebrated on 1 January and commemorates the dogma of Mary's divine Maternity. This homily by St. Josemaría, published in "Friends of God," was given on 11 October 1964, then the feast of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
On 15 August, the Church celebrates Christ taking his Mother up to Heaven, a dogma defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950.
Pray the Regina Coeli
The Regina Coeli (or "Regina Cæli") is a Marian and Christological prayer honouring the Virgin Mary during the Easter season. The composition opens with the words, "Queen of Heaven," and is a liturgical celebration of the Resurrection of Mary's Son, Jesus Christ.
Audio Meditation: A New Year with Jesus and Mary
A meditation (guided prayer) on beginning the new year with Mary, Mother of God.
What is the Angelus and how do you pray it?
The Angelus is a prayer in which we contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation, the event by which "the Son of God became man in order to make us God." It is a short pause in our day-to-day activity, immersing us in the intimacy of our Lady and the Blessed Trinity.
What is the Rosary?
What is the Rosary, and where does it come from? Answers to some common questions about this Marian prayer. "Dear young people, learn to pray to Mary with the simple and effective prayer of the Rosary; dear sick people, may our Lady be your support in the trial of pain" (Pope Francis, General Audience of May 3, 2017).
The Annunciation: Mary Draws out our Ability to Love (Audio)
A short meditation by Fr. Eric Nicolai of Toronto, Canada.
Beseeching our Lady for the Church
In a 1987 Letter, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo asks us to feel "the urgency to take upon our own shoulders the needs of the Church, dedicating our entire life."
"Totus Tuus!"
John Paul II entrusted his life to Mary with these words: "Totus tuus ego sum!" (I am all yours). In this month dedicated to our Lady, we offer some words from the new Saint on God's Mother. With link to "How to pray the Rosary" and "Story of St. Josemaria's first pilgrimage to Sonsoles."
Our Lady's Power of Intercession
During a 1987 get-together with farm workers in Mexico, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about our Lady's great power of intercession before God.