Number of articles: 17

Something Great That Is Love (VIII): Am I making the right decision?

"In the process of discerning our own vocation we are never alone, since every vocation is born and takes shape in the Church."

In the Joyful Hope of Christ

"Christ freed us from a relationship with God based on negative precepts and limits, and brought us instead a life of Love." A new article on Christian life.

Pleasing God

"We need to be afraid of offending God, and not responding fully to his Love. The perfectionist, in contrast, is afraid of not doing things well enough, and therefore of God becoming angry." A new article on Christian life.

Saint Joseph sorrows and joys

Download The sorrows and joys of St Joseph with illustrations by Palmira Laguens of the high points in the life of the holy patriarch St Joseph and the Holy Family, from the shrine of Torreciudad, Spain.​


St. Josemaria Understands You're Human

Video. Annamaria, a nursing student from California, USA, explains why she wants to be a nurse and how reading St. Josemaria's books, especially The Way, Furrow and The Forge, has helped her overcome discouragement in her daily life.


Saint Josemaria and the Role of Saint Joseph in Christian Life

An article that will appear in the forthcoming issue of "Romana" (no. 59), written by Fr. Lucas Mateo-Seco shortly before his death in February 2014. The feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated in the Church on March 19.


St. Josemaría: The Mass—because Christ is alive

St. Josemaría is asked how to take greater advantage of the Mass. The saint reminds us that it is Christ who is acting: “Because Christ hasn’t died, Christ is alive.”