Number of articles: 6

Saint Pius X, Intercessor of Opus Dei

21 August is the feast of St. Pius X, the intercessor to whom St. Josemaria entrusted the Work's relation with the Holy See. In this excerpt, Miguel De Salis Amaral writes about St. Josemaria's lifelong devotion to this Pope.

Saint John Mary Vianney, Holy Curé of Ars

4 August is the feast of Saint John Mary Vianney, who Saint Josemaria named intercessor for Opus Dei's relationship with the diocesan bishops. This is a study on the relationship between the two saints.

Meditations: June 22, Saint Thomas More

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on June 22, feast of Saint Thomas More.

Meditations: April 29, Saint Catherine of Siena

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on the feast of Saint Catherine of Siena.

Saint Catherine of Siena, Intercessor of Opus Dei

April 29 is the feast day of Saint Catherine of Siena. The story of how Saint Josemaria decided to name her an intercessor of Opus Dei. Adapted from an article published in "Studia et Documenta," vol. 8 (2014).

Saint Thomas More as Intercessor of Opus Dei

The feast of Saint Thomas More is celebrated on 22 June. An article by Andrew Hegarty published in "Studia et Documenta," vol. 8 – 2014.