The Best Way of Showing Our Gratitude
Peter asks how and how much to forgive. Jesus turns the question around and teaches him to let himself be forgiven… like the prodigal son, who was able to become faithful again through trust.
Forgiving... And Asking For Forgiveness
This article gives some examples of how Saint Josemaria practised forgiveness and said sorry, asking forgiveness of others.
Pope Francis' Eight Tips to Improve Family Life
Video. (Rome Reports). Striving, forgiveness, prayer and dedication are the ingredients that Pope Francis offers to strengthen family life. His personal experience as well as meeting thousands of people have made the Pope an expert on the family. His advice, simple yet direct, can help in day-to-day life. There is no doubt that his advice to married couples has spread around the world.
St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)
The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.
St. Josemaría, Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 1)
This study published in no. 52 of of the journal ‘Romana’, it focuses on some aspects of St. Josemaría’s teachings on forgiveness and their relevance in fostering a peaceful co-existence. Because of its length, it will be published in two parts. The founder of Opus Dei invites us to rediscover forgiveness and to learn how to love: to love God and, through him, our neighbor, also when we are offended. The words and example of St. Josemaría help us to go deeper into the beauty of forgiveness and to lear
Gospel for 10 January: The "Today" of Christ
Commentary on the Gospel for the Friday after Epiphany. "The Scriptures are being fulfilled today even as you listen." Let us not put off until tomorrow the decision that the Lord expects of us ‘today’: a conversion, forgiving and accepting forgiveness, starting again with the help of grace, full surrender.