Number of articles: 42

Go and Do Likewise (V): Grateful Children

The accounts of creation in Genesis introduce man’s three most fundamental relationships: with God, with his neighbour, and with the earth. The Church invites Christians to take these as a starting point in shaping society, caring for creation, and contributing to the common good.

Go and Do Likewise (IV): Called to Listen

In a world where communication holds significant importance and it's just a click away, genuine dialogue can become increasingly difficult to achieve. Here too, Christians have the example of Jesus, who actively engages with those who hold different beliefs, embracing individuals irrespective of any disagreements or errors.

Go and Do Likewise (III): At the Forefront of Transforming the World

As Christians, we share the longing to make true the ideals we want for our world — justice, solidarity, charity — with many others. Yet sometimes conflict still arises when we try to work together. How can love, justice, and solidarity become realities in our lives?

Go and Do Likewise (II): One Heart and Soul

"Other men and women are part of our own life and also become part of our own personal responsibility, since we all form part of the same Body. They are brothers or sisters we are called to watch over, to be reconciled with, to love."

Go and Do Likewise (I): You Did It to Me

Social needs, civil rights and duties, international relations, dialogue, and political action call Christians, children of one Father, to be "actively, freely, and responsibly present in public life" (St. Josemaría).

Topic 21: Baptism and Confirmation

Baptism incorporates the person who receives it into the Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ and into his saving action. This sacrament leaves in the Christian an indelible spiritual seal of belonging to Christ. Through Confirmation, Christians participate more fully in Christ’s mission and in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. A baptised and confirmed Christian is destined to take part in the Church’s mission of evangelising by virtue of these two sacraments.

Topic 22: The Eucharist (I)

The Eucharist makes Jesus Christ present. He invites us to accept the salvation that He offers us, and to receive the gift of His Body and Blood as the food of eternal life. Our Lord announced the Eucharist during his public life and instituted this sacrament at the Last Supper. When the Church celebrates this sacrament, she follows the Eucharistic rite carried out by Christ at the Last Supper.

Topic 22: The Eucharist (II)

The Holy Mass makes present, in the Church’s daily liturgical life, the one sacrifice of our redemption. The Mass is a true and proper sacrifice because it makes sacramentally present the one, perfect and definitive sacrifice of the Cross. The faithful can and should participate in the offering of the Eucharistic sacrifice. The desire to receive Holy Communion should always be present in Christians: what food produces in the body for the good of physical life, the Eucharist produces in the soul.

Topic 23: Penance and the Anointing of the Sick

Penance is a sacrament which brings healing and salvation from sin. Over the course of history, the ministers of Christ and the Church have exercised the power to forgive sins in different ways. At the same time, in this sacrament the Church has maintained a fundamental structure which is made up of two equally essential elements: the action of the person who experiences conversion under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and the action of God which occurs through the ministry of the Church.

Topic 24: Marriage and Holy Orders

Marriage is an institution foreseen by God in his wisdom, so as to carry out in humanity his divine plan of love. It is born of the personal and irrevocable consent of the spouses. The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility. This special covenant is ordered to the procreation and education of children, who are the most excellent gift of marriage and contribute greatly to the good of their parents.