Number of articles: 36

Several favors connected with work

I had problems with one of my jobs that made relations with my students very uncomfortable and strained.

I want to tell about a favor from St Josemaria

At the end of May I gave up my job to look for one where I could specialize as a psychologist and at the same time earn my living. The first days of June I started looking, and sending my resume to very many places. I got no results, and it was getting towards the end of the month.

3 Novenas for St. Josemaria's Intercession

Besides the Novena for Work that has resulted in numerous favors, two other novenas are now available in English: the Novena for the Sick and the Novena for the Family.

Prayer Card Now in 44 Languages

The prayer card of Saint Josemaria is now available in pdf format in 44 languages, including recent versions in Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Arabic, Bulgarian and Armenian.


The miracle that made the Founder of Opus Dei a saint

The doctors of the Consultation committee have unanimously concluded that the cure indeed was scientifically inexplicable. There has never been a documented case of a cure of radiodermatitis.