Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No. 8 (2021)
Alvaro del Portillo, Saint Josemaria's first successor at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified on 27 September 2014. A newsletter focusing on the central role of friendship and fraternity in his life.
A Love That Transforms The World
An article by Cardinal Angelo Amato published in "L’Osservatore Romano" on 29 April 2021, for the presentation of a book collecting favors received through the intercession of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo.
Lent with Blessed Alvaro
Alvaro del Portillo died on 23 March 1994. Here is an extract from a letter he wrote on 2 February 1985, at the beginning of Lent.
A Nine-month Scholarship. A Master's Degree. A Baby.
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo brought us three favors in a row – and the third was the best. Thank you, Don Alvaro!
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No 7 (2020)
A newsletter of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo on promoting social initiatives.
Anniversary of Blessed Alvaro's Beatification
Alvaro del Portillo, Saint Josemaria's successor at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified on 27 September 2014 . A brief video with some images from that festive day.
Blessed Alvaro: Devotion Around the World
In this documentary, aired on a Kenyan TV station shortly before Don Alvaro del Portillo's beatification in 2014, we see how devotion to him has spread to many countries around the world..
Where am I? (איפה אני?)
Fr. Geraldo Morujão (Portugal) had a cardiac arrest in a swimming pool when visiting the Holy Land in 2013 and was pronounced clinically dead. He attributes his recovery to Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's intercession.
In the Footsteps of Blessed Alvaro
Blessed Alvaro liked to “visit” Mary by praying the rosary while walking or traveling to a specific Marian shrine or even simpler places with her image. During the years he lived in Rome, he discovered many lesser-known sanctuaries of popular devotion around the city.
Webcam: Pray by Blessed Alvaro's Tomb
May 12th is the liturgical feast day of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. On Tuesday, from 6 pm to 8 pm Rome time (GMT+2), a webcam will offer live streaming of Blessed Alvaro's tomb, in the crypt of the prelatic church of Our Lady of Peace.