In May 2017 the priest Antonio Rodriguez, postulator of the cause of canonization, gave an interview in which he highlighted the most significant virtues of Guadalupe. He said that she had been “a woman in love with God, full of faith and hope, who with her work and optimism, helped others in their spiritual and material needs. All her actions were filled with joy, including when facing difficult situations.”
These words and the life of Guadalupe encouraged Fr Francis Faus, a priest living in Brazil, to write a novena to ask for the intercession of Guadalupe to obtain graces from heaven, and to show her exemplary life as a daughter of God in her work, friendships and joy.
Subsequently, in June 2018, Pope Francis has approved a miracle through the intercession of Guadalupe, and she was beatified in May 2019.
We offer here the Novena to Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz.
Traditionally a novena consists in repeating a prayer during nine consecutive days, alone or with others, to ask God to grant us a favour or for help in a difficult situation. Together with the prayer, one can also do some spiritual reading or meditation. In this novena, before praying through Guadalupe’s intercession with the prayer for private devotion, we consider the example of her life and we ask God for help to imitate her.
Fr Faus is also the author of novenas to Saint Josemaría, to Blessed Alvaro and to Montse Grases.