Number of articles: 4874

Greeting to the Jewish Community

Benedict XVI stresses the common values shared by Christians and Jews, and says that both are "prisoners of hope" (Zachariah 9:12), sharing the hope of the final redemption of all mankind.

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Address to the United Nations

Addressing the General Assembly on Friday morning, Benedict XVI said that "the Church is committed to contributing her experience 'of humanity,' developed over the centuries among peoples of every race and culture, and placing it at the disposal of all members of the international community."

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Address to Bishops

Given at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. on Wedensday, April 16, Benedict XVI speaks about a wide range of topics, including the need to combat secular materialism and clerical abuse, and the Christian duty to welcome immigrants.

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Homily at Holy Mass in Nationals Park Stadium

Benedict XVI's homily during Holy Mass on Thursday morning in Washington D.C. Over 46,000 people were present. The Pope spoke about hope and the need to bring that hope to all people through evangelization.

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Benedict XVI's Video Message to the U.S.

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Benedict XVI's Address at the White House

On Wednesday, April 16, Benedict XVI met with President George Bush at the White House and gave an address in which he spoke about the source of America's strength: its foundation on the grounding of "the laws of nature and of nature's God."

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God: with a mother’s love

Since our baptism, God has lived in our soul. Without our noticing it, he cares for us, protects us, demands of us, like a mother with her children. This is how St. Josemaría explains it (Weekly Video 01’31”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Right Chemistry

The story of the first Canadian Numerary member of Opus Dei. Now a retired organic chemist, when Joe Atkinson went to Boston in 1957 to begin his doctorate at MIT, he never suspected that his chemistry and his faith would soon acquire new meanings.

Letter from the Prelate (April 2008)

The presence of the risen Christ alongside us is an invitation to live our daily life with joy, wanting to improve our own lives and treat others mercifully. This is the Prelate’s advice in his April pastoral letter.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Inauguration of the Biomedical Campus in Rome

The Vatican Secretary of State, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop, and other dignitaries inaugurated the new Biomedical University campus in Rome. The Via Alvaro del Portillo, on which the new campus is located, was also blessed. Here are some photos of the event.