Number of articles: 4874

Priestly Ordinations in Rome, May 24, 2008

On Saturday, May 24th, the Prelate of Opus Dei ordained 36 priests in Rome. Here are some video highlights of the ceremony (2 minutes).

Recent News

St. Josemaría: Teaching Children Temperance

Teaching children Christian virtues such as temperance requires tact, affection, patience and a lot of personal piety. That is what the Founder of Opus Dei tells a mother in this video (01’14”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Homily at the ordination of priests (2008)

The Prelate of Opus Dei’s homily to the priests, families and faithful attending the ordination of priests on May 24, 2008, in the basilica of San Eugenio in Rome.

From the Prelate

"You’re in great form Granny"

I am 82 years of age and have 8 children, 25 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. I have been a supernumerary for over 30 years and I give thanks to God every day for my own vocation to Opus Dei, and for that of two of my children.

36 New Priests for the Prelature of Opus Dei

On May 24th, Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained thirty six of the Prelature’s faithful to the priesthood. Two of the new priests offer reflections on what this step means for them. With links to 20 photos from the ceremony and the Prelate's homily.

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (May 2008)

In his letter, Bishop Javier Echevarría advises us to draw close to the Mother of God in our prayer and ask her to teach us how to speak with her Son.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Conference in Rome for 25th anniversary of the Personal Prelature

Cardinal Ruini, the Vicar of the diocese of Rome, and Bishop Javier Echeverria, Opus Dei's Prelate, were among the speakers. The conference was held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (VIDEO: 2’37’’).

The Pope's Message to the U.S.

All of Benedict XVI's addresses and homilies during his April 2008 visit to the United States.

Recent Testimonies of British Opus Dei Members

Recently four members of the Prelature in Britain posted pieces about their experience in Opus Dei on the "Faith Column", a blog hosted by the New Statesman, a popular current affairs magazine.

Video highlights of Benedict XVI's U.S. visit.

We offer a video with some of the highlights from the Pope's trip to the U.S. (2'20").

Saint Josemaría