Number of articles: 4828

"Mommy, am I going to die?”

A small child’s sickness and pain are very difficult to understand. But Antek, a five year old Polish boy, discovered their meaning.

Personal testimonies

A step in Don Alvaro's process of canonization

The Diocese of Rome has finsihed collecting testimony from those who knew Alvaro del Portillo. This documentation will now be sent to the Vatican. We offer a video summary of the official act that closed this stage of the process.


“Prophets of a New Age”

So referred Pope Benedict XVI to the young people at World Youth Day in Australia. We offer a summary, in 35 brief passages, of what the Holy Father said to them and to the youth of the world.

Recent News

Christian Humanism in Business and Management

The full text of the address delivered by Bishop Javier Echevarría to inaugurate the 15th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society held May 16, 2008, at the campus of IESE in Barcelona.

From the Prelate

Christian Humanism in Business

The Prelate recently addressed an International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society at the IESE business school in Barcelona. He spoke about the need for Christian humanism in Business.

From the Prelate

St. Josemaria celebrated in Western Canada

There were many families among the nearly 700 people from across Canada and the U.S. who came to Corpus Christi Church to celebrate the feastday of one of the Church’s newest and most current saints.

The Pope in Sydney. Photos from Kenthurst Study Centre

Pope Benedict XVI has begun his pastoral trip to Australia, for World Youth Day. In his preparatory message he said, “How great a need our world has for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit!” With a link to photos of the Pope's stay at Kenthurst Study Center.

Recent News

Garnering Real Peace in Afghanistan

Capt. Joe Nonato is a Canadian teacher from Toronto, now part of Canadian mission in Afghanistan. Setting a supernatural tone to his work is part of his challenge: "It's not how we die that matters, it's how we live," he says.

St. Josemaría: Our Faith is Grounded on Christ

“My friend doesn’t believe in priests,” someone told St. Josemaría. “Neither do I!” he answered. “I believe because of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (01’15”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Saint Paul: To Live in Christ

“Carrying the Cross is a central part of our vocation and of our mission as Christians in the world”, says Fr. John Wauck (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, School of Church Communications). (Video)

Christian Life