Number of articles: 4850

Biography of Laura Busca Otaegui

Laura Busca Otaegui (called “Laurita” by those who knew her well) was born on November 3, 1912 in Zumárraga, in the Basque region of Spain. The wife of Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, she died in Pamplona on October 11, 2000.

Life and Stories

Favors received from prayers to Laurita

Seeking the intercession of men and women who have died with a reputation for holiness is a common practice in the Catholic Church. A few examples of favors received through the intercession of Laura Busca.


News of the Cause for Laura Busca Otaegui

News of the Cause


Several favors connected with work

I had problems with one of my jobs that made relations with my students very uncomfortable and strained.

Devotion and Favors

Prayer for Fr. Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica's intercession

Prayer for private devotion.

José María Hernández Garnica

News of the Cause for Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica

After receiving the required testimonies and documents on his fame of sanctity and favors attributed to his intercession, the Cardinal of Madrid named a commission to carry out the diocesan Process on his life and virtues.


Fr José María: An apostle for the world

José Maria Hernández Garnica was born in Madrid on 17 November 1913. He obtained doctorates in Engineering, Natural Sciences and Theology. On 28 July 1935 he joined Opus Dei. He died in Barcelona on 7 December 1972.

Life and Stories

Centenary of Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica's Birth (November 17, 1913)

One of the first three priests in Opus Dei, his cause of canonization is now underway. In this brief video, St. Josemaria speaks about visiting him in the hospital shortly before his death in 1972.

Other resources

Pope Francis: "St. Josemaria is a precursor of Vatican II"

In a message sent by the new Secretary of State Archbishop Pietro Parolin for the symposium on St. Josemaria's contribution to theology, Pope Francis speaks about the Founder's teachings.

From the Church and the Pope

The Faith, in a few words

This is the last video of the series "The Faith at 20": young people from various countries talk about how their faith influences their daily lives.

Christian Life