Number of articles: 4827

Prelate's Trip to Portugal

Bishop Javier Echevarría made a brief pastoral visit to Portugal, from March 20 to 22. With video clip of his prayer before our Lady of Fatima.

From the Prelate

St. Josemaria helps me as a seminarian

I am a seminarian in third year theology, in the seventh year of priestly formation. The basic idea about the seminary revolves round prayer life, intense study and hard work. For a long time as a seminarian I used to wonder how to reconcile Prayer life (life of holiness) and intense study.


The spiritual fruit of Holy Communion

In a get-together with thousands of people in Barcelona in 1989, Blessed Alvaro spoke about the spiritual fruit Holy Communion brings.


Saint Josemaria and the Role of Saint Joseph in Christian Life

An article that will appear in the forthcoming issue of "Romana" (no. 59), written by Fr. Lucas Mateo-Seco shortly before his death in February 2014. The feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated in the Church on March 19.


Citizens who value love

Vittorio Gervasi, Italian, says he, "thanks Saint Josemaria for having opened up for me the doctrine of the Church about human love and courtship with his practical teachings."


Praying with Saint Joseph

The Founder of Opus Dei saw in St. Joseph the strong and affectionate father that Christ wanted on earth. He asked St. Joseph to teach him how to stay close to Mary and to Jesus: “How he would have embraced the Child, and kissed him!.”

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Take a Chance on Happiness

Images from Saint Josemaria's preaching and testimonies from British and Irish couples on the challenges and rewards of marriage and family life.

Recent News

A Resource for Prayer

Talks and meditations by priests of Opus Dei. Recent additions include 3 talks on “Pope Francis: His Life and Papacy and the Synod on the Family,” and meditations for the Sundays in Lent.


Saint Josemaria and the Role of Saint Joseph in Christian Life

An article that will appear in the forthcoming issue of "Romana" (no. 59), written by Fr. Lucas Mateo-Seco shortly before his death in February 2014. The feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated in the Church on March 19.

Christian Life

"24 Hours for the Lord"

In his 2015 Lenten Message, Pope Francis asks the faithful to take part in the "24 Hours for the Lord" initiative, on 13-14 March, in order to place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the center of the Church's mission for the new evangelization.

From the Church and the Pope