Number of articles: 175

The Impact of a Few Days of Service

"When I was in high school, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were distant lands. But an unexpected opportunity to organize a service project in Lithuania brought the Baltic countries a lot closer to home."

Social initiatives

ELIS Over the Years

A brief history of the ELIS Center, a social project in Rome begun under the impetus of Pope John XXIII and entrusted by him to Opus Dei.

Social initiatives

In Congo: Health Care for the Most Vulnerable

Dr. Celine Tendobi is working with determination to improve health care for pregnant women at Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa. From an article published in "La Vanguardia."

Social initiatives

A Painting "Marathon" to Help Excluded Children

A young artist from Seville, Spain, set out to paint 400 paintings in 2 years, donating half of the profits to projects that help children at risk of social exclusion.

Social initiatives

Work Camp in Land of Many Islands

A group of 38 young men from Australia and New Zealand went to Vanuatu (a country of 83 islands 1,000 miles east of northern Australia) for two weeks in January to refurbish a school.

Social initiatives

Just Start

The eleven videos in this series on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, offered each month during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, can now be accessed on a single page.

Social initiatives

Tondo Social Outreach: "Everyone can help"

Young professionals, teachers, students, and families in the Philippines responded generously to Pope Francis' message for the Second World Day of the Poor.

Social initiatives

“Sowing open-heartedness, you will reap friendship”

A group of 10 young women from Singapore dedicated part of last summer to meeting the pressing needs of young people in Vietnam.

Social initiatives

Seeing Christ in Every Sick Person

Walé Medical-Social Center, an outpatient clinic in Ivory Coast, is helping meet some serious health care challenges in the surrounding districts. An interview with its founder.

Social initiatives

Sunday Mass in Wormwood Scrubs

"When Pope Francis declared a Year of Mercy starting in December 2015, it set me thinking about works of mercy. In a meeting with friends to discuss possible projects, someone mentioned how he used to go with a group of volunteers to a prison to attend Sunday Mass there with the prisoners."

Social initiatives