Number of articles: 89

100 Frequently Asked Questions about the Beatification

Some advice for those planning to attend the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo on September 27 in Madrid.


"A Lesson of Love"

Angelique Ferrali is a Cooperator of Opus Dei who lives in Switzerland and teaches tennis. She recalls a Mass celebrated by Don Alvaro when she was a university student that left a deep impression on her soul.


Alvaro del Portillo, a life of service to Christ

A quick glance at the life of Alvaro del Portillo, the successor to Opus Dei's founder St. Josemaria Escriva. Bishop del Portillo will be beatified in Madrid on Sept. 27.


New Biography of Alvaro del Portillo

John F. Coverdale, author of "Saxum: The Life of Alvaro del Portillo," was interviewed on EWTN's program "Bookmark." Watch the full interview here.


"Everything done for love is big"

Bishop Alvaro del Portillo insists on the importance of small things done for love, in the spirit taught by Saint Josemaria.


"The Church's Universality"

Eelis Nguyen, a convert from Buddhism, lives and works in Helsinki. He says that he is looking forward to going to the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo because it is "a great feast for the Church."


Downloads for the Beatification

The texts for Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification Mass and Mass of Thanksgiving are now available in various formats in English, along with an extensive biography and information about sites related to his life and maps of Madrid.


Alvaro del Portillo, in 3 minutes (Video)

A brief video with scenes from the life of Alvaro del Portillo, who was beatified on September 27 in Madrid.


Some Recent Favors of Don Alvaro

A hard-to-sell cow. Tensions in a polygamous family. A premature baby. These stories from Kenya represent a few of the many recent favors attributed to the intercession of Alvaro del Portillo.


Love for the Pope

In 1975, soon after being elected Prelate, Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo asked us to “increase our veneration and affection” for the Holy Father, and to work “untiringly in union with all the bishops who are in full communion with the Holy See.”
