Number of articles: 497

A Hemorrhage Without Consequences

When it became impossible to do surgery, the doctors opted to leave it to nature, having a 50 percent chance that the hemorrhage would absorb naturally.


"When you pray to Dora, good things happen"

Julia from New Jersey, USA, talks about how Dora became her role-model.


"Montse loved basketball and spread joy"

Pope Francis declared Montse Grases “venerable” one year ago. During a recent commemorative meeting in Rome, a number of people confirmed that her beatification process is continuing to make progress.


Growing Pumpkins and Chasing Rabbits

Dora del Hoyo, whose canonization cause recently advanced, grew up on a farm amid a warm family atmosphere.

Life and Stories

"Paquita and Tomás helped me to meet Jesus"

A school teacher describes how she drew close to Jesus and Mary thanks to the example of Christian life given by the Alvira couple.


Guadalupe Ortiz and the "Tilma" of Guadalupe

Guadalupe Ortiz was born on December 12, 1916, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. For the centennial of her birth, an article by Antonio Schlatter was published in "Almudi."

Life and Stories

Novena to the Venerable Montse Grases

Fr Francisco Faus has written this Novena to enable readers – especially young people – to get to know Montse Grases better and to ask her intercession for favours.


Who Was Isidoro Zorzano?

A brief video summary of the life of Isidoro Zorzano, declared Venerable by Pope Francis on December 21, 2016.


What seemed difficult was not only possible...

A few months ago the medical division of Social Security called me to tell me that I was no longer entitled to health insurance and prescription drug coverage. This was terrible news because I take a medication which would cost me about 300 euros every month. The following day I started trying to figure out how to solve this problem.


"Dora, A Woman Coherent with Her Christian Life"

"Dora was always coherent with her Christian life. She lived the normal circumstances of each day with a generous self-giving and a cheerfulness that was evident," says Mons. Javier Echevarria, Prelate of Opus Dei.
