Ten Wonderful Years to Thank Our Lord For

Caroline Sawney is a working mother of three children. This August marks the 10th year she is a supernumerary member of Opus Dei: "Ten wonderful years to thank our Lord for..."

"Mummy, can I have another grape" Aneish, our three-year-old had been at it for the past 20 minutes... .the same request over and over again. I was on the brink of losing my patience with him. At this point I realised that I could sanctify this moment The way I now respond to him did matter and it was something I could offer up to God. . . . 

This is what Opus Dei means for me--struggling each day to live my ordinary life and its details well. I shudder to think of how I'd be dealing with my day to day life if I had not met the Work.

This August marks the tenth year that I have been a supernumerary member. I consider myself, besides being unworthy, privileged to have met the Work. 

What had attracted me to the Work, besides St Josemaria's incisive, crisp and inspiring teachings, was the fact that I could remain in my current state of life and yet be able to love God well. 

"There is something divine in every ordinary thing and it is for us to discover it," our founder said. An insight so simple and so profound is what is at the core of his teaching. 

I find a wealth of examples from the life of St Josemaria on how to live my ordinary life well, and I try to ask myself in times of doubt "How would he have dealt with this?" . . . and the struggle continues. 

Opus Dei has given me a solid path to happiness, but it calls for a constant daily battle to keep on that path. The great thing is that I know where the goal is - thanks to the guidance I get from Opus Dei.

Come August, I would have had ten wonderful years to thank our Lord for... and Aneish too, little does he know, would have gained some good (grapes) from the battles of his still-smiling mother!