Child Protection

The Prelature of Opus Dei in Australia and New Zealand is committed to promoting the safety, welfare and protection of children in accordance with relevant civil legislation of each state and territory and with the principles set out in the relevant documents of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (i.e. 'Towards Healing', Part Two, 'Integrity in Ministry' and 'Integrity in the Service of the Church'), and in the relevant documents of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (i.e. 'A Path to Healing', Part One, and 'Integrity in Ministry').

The Prelature of Opus Dei in Australia and New Zealand has adopted a Complaints Handling Policy, which includes guidelines for good practice and prevention and also a procedure for dealing with possible allegations of child abuse, and has established a Child Protection Board.

To report an instance of child abuse, please contact the Child Protection Officer at: 0414 936 456.