Articles about "There Be Dragons"

Here are links to several articles about the film "There Be Dragons" that may be of interest.

Zenit interview with director Roland Joffe (1/1/2011). "This is a film about believers and non-believers. I was deeply touched by Josemaría's sense that we are all potential saints, his belief that everyone was finally capable of slaying their own dragons. I hope people watching the film will see in it their own struggles with their own dragons, and recognize his point that no saint ever became a saint without struggle."

El Mundo Interview with Charlie Cox (4/6/2011).  Cox describes the challenges and sense of responsibility he felt in playing the part of a well-known saint.

Catholic News Service (3/30/2011).  Wes Bentley (Manolo) on  how the filming of There Be Dragons changed his life.

YouTube video (3:50)  Wes Bentley talks about his conversion from drugs and birth of first child    

Review of "There Be Dragons," by Juan Manuel de Prada   This is one of the best reviews that was written when the movie opened in Spain. Translated here into English.