Number of articles: 9

The Path of Liberation: From Sin to Grace

"Grace is much more powerful than sin, for 'where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.'" A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

Life without God

"Sin is the principal enemy of our happiness, but it has little power over God’s mercy." A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

A Heart Enkindled by the Word: Sacred Scripture (II)

Sacred Scripture should take on ever greater importance as we advance along our Christian path, to the point that “we ‘breathe’ with the Gospel, with the Word of God.”

"Do You Understand What You Are Reading?": Sacred Scripture (I)

“Through Sacred Scripture, kept alive by the faith of the Church, the Lord continues to speak to his Bride." First part of a two-part article by Guillaume Derville on the importance of a faith-filled reading of Scripture for our interior life.

A Whisper in the Soul: the Silence of God

"With his silences, God makes the faith and hope of his own people grow. He makes them new, and with them He makes all things new." A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

That Trinitarian Current of Love

"What does faith in the Blessed Trinity mean for our own life?" A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

A Love That Embraces the World

Second of a two-part article on creation, in the series "The Light of Faith."

"God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good"

First of a two-part article on creation, in the series "The Light of Faith."

You Are the Light of the World

The first in a new series of articles on effective ways to share the "light of faith" with those around us, by speaking a language that people can understand today.