Number of articles: 5

Something Great That Is Love (X): Towards the Fullness of Love

“This path can be summed up in one word: love. If we are to love, we must have a big heart and share the concerns of those around us. We must be able to forgive and understand; we must sacrifice ourselves, with Jesus Christ, for all souls."

Pleasing God

"We need to be afraid of offending God, and not responding fully to his Love. The perfectionist, in contrast, is afraid of not doing things well enough, and therefore of God becoming angry." A new article on Christian life.

"Go and Do Likewise": the Law of God and Mercy

A new article in the series on mercy. We are asked to "shape our hearts in accord with the lines marked out by the Beatitudes, making a reality of the ideal Christ sets forth for us: 'to be merciful even as your Father is merciful.'"

A Personality Identified with Christ

An article in the series on forging a strong Christian personality: "What an exciting challenge it is to forge a personality that clearly reflects the image of Christ Jesus!"

Authors Of Our Own Lives

A new series of articles with reflections on how to develop a strong Christian personality. Saint John Paul II said that “all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life," creating a masterpiece.