Number of articles: 48

Letter of St. Josemaria about charity in the transmission of the faith

Thanks to Scepter (U.K.) Ltd. and the Fundación Studium, here is a digital version of Letter 4 from The Collected Letters, volume I, in which St. Josemaria wrote about charity in the transmission of the faith.


Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Audio recording and text of "Finding Peace in the Heart of Christ," a homily given by Saint Josemaria on 17 June 1966, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which the Church celebrates this Friday.

Out of the Heart's Abundance: Truth and Charity in Judging Others

The vice of gossip is a recurring theme in Pope Francis's preaching. This article contains some considerations on gossip and judging others, from both a spiritual and human perspective.

In DYA: Jesus' "New Commandment"

On August 23, 1932, Saint Josemaria wrote down in his ‘Intimate Notes’ that all the centers of Opus Dei should have a plaque with the words of Jesus' "new commandment": "that you love one another as I have loved you." The first place this was done was the DYA Residence in Madrid.

The Others Are Ours (I)

Friendliness and graciousness are the fertile soil for fostering fraternal correction. God acts through our relationships with those around us to draw out the best in us.

"Charity, the Hidden Meaning of Scripture"

August 28 is the memorial of Saint Augustine, one of the greatest Fathers of the Church. "Without charity the rich man is poor, and with it the poor man is rich."

The Creativity of Charity

How can I help assist those in need? Where do I start? This short documentary shows creative ways in which Catholics from various countries have responded to the needs of those around them.

The Eucharist

"And he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body which is given for you. Do this in memory of me.' And likewise the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.'" (Lk 22:19-20)

St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)

The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.


Mass at Site of Last Supper

On May 26, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the Upper Room, in Jerusalem. "How much charity has gone forth from here, like a river from its source: from the Heart of Christ, from the Eucharist and from the Holy Spirit."